Daily Archives: January 17, 2012

Winter Cycling Training – Day 1 of Week 7, Twenty Minute Maximal Test

What can I say? I peddled hard. I suffered. I almost lost my stomach. But in the end, my 20 minutes maximal test results showed no improvement over my last test.

1/17/12 11/22/12
Average Power 250 watts 249 watts
Average Heart Rate 157 bpm 157 bpm
Average Cadence 63 rpm 65 rpm
Average Speed 19.89 mph 20.31 mph

My non-improvement could be attributed to two reasons. The first is that the training plan has been focusing on increasing my VO2 Max. This would be reflected in the upcoming 5 minute maximal test. The 20 minute maximal test reflects improvement in Critical Power, or the level of exertion that I should be able to maintain for one hour. As such, it may not be surprising that I should no improvement.

Another possible reason is one a friend of my put forth. I started this training program right after finishing the Furnace Creek 508. I trained very hard for The 508, so it could be that my Critical Power is at a level that only specific training will increase it.

None the less, I was a bit surprised that I showed no improvement.