Scott’s Thursday Night – MacLeay

No rain and warmer temps – I went for a bike ride with the folks from Scott’s Cycling.

We did the short MacLeay route, which means we got to climb MacLeay hill. It was my intention to contest the hill, but Earl and another jumped before at the very beginning of the climb. By the time I realized what was going on, Earl was about 100 feet off of the front and he was chasing someone 50 feet in front of him!

I began chasing.

I never caught Earl, but I did not let him increase the gap and I did not let anyone catch me. My average power output was 268 watts, and my recorded max heart rate was 235 bpm (I don’t think so!).

All in all, I am happy with my performance as I see it steadily improving.

Tomorrow will be a rest day. I intended to ride hill repeats on Saturday, but I am now attending a funeral mid day. So what I do for training on Saturday is up in the air.