Scio Covered Bridges Permanent

Distance 125.7 miles
Elevation Gain 4,406 feet
Moving Time 09:04:44
Elapsed Time 09:53:10
Max Speed 35.3 miles per hour
Avg Speed 13.8 miles per hour

My first long ride of the season.

I started in Willsonville at 7:40 am in a light mist. Soon my glasses were covered with tiny water drops ans I rode south across the Boone Bridge, the I-5 bridge across the Willamette River. Traffic was light and the south bound shoulder is wide. None the less, I was a bit nervous and I was relieved when I obtained the other side. As I climb up the freeway off ramp, a motorcycle policeman passed me. I found him on the freeway overpass shooting radar. I offered “Good hunting” as I passed him.

The mist continued and I was beginning to get worried that the entire 125 mile ride would be in rain. But as I passed through the town of Aurora, the mist stopped. Now, I only the wind to fight as I road south.

The first control was in Scio 48.7 miles into the route. Despite of the wind, I was feeling good so I decided that I would not stop until I reached Scio. Soon, I entered Silverton, where I had stopped the last time I did this route, but this time I continued on. I came upon Sublimity and Stayton, and again I did not stop. Soon I turned onto Cole School Road, which is straight, but not flat. This road has the hardest rollers around and I was in my lowest gear working hard to climb up them.

I rolled into Scio and stopped at the Covered Bridge Coffee House where I hoped to have a very quick stop. This was not to be. My hoped for ten minute stop turned into a 25 minute stop, and then I had to go across the street for a receipt with the time on it as the coffeeshop does not worry about paper receipts.

As soon as I left Scio, it started to rain. I was prepared wearing my Gore Rainjacket, tights, shoe covers and long fingered gloves. I was warm enough and not all that wet. I rained all of the way to Salem, but stopped as I entered the city limits.

In Salem, I stopped at The Beanery for a snack and I was motivated to have a short stop, but not as motivated as I was in Scio. But again, I was stopped for 25 minutes.

Leaving Salem, I came upon the first cyclists I have seen all day. We rode together on Windsor Island Road where she told me we would not see rain for the rest of the afternoon. We parted at the top of Revena hill and it soon began to rain. I began to rain hard. Soon, any thoughts of staying dry melted away and I slow fought the wind as I road back toward Willsonville.

The big challenge was the I-5 Bridge northbound. After recent road work, the shoulder not is only four feet wide to allow for a fourth lane for cars. So, I slowly rolled down the center of what seemed to be the tiny shoulder was cars traveling at 70 mils per hour passed me just a couple of feet away.

I made it across the bridge without injury, except to my nerves, and rolled back to my car and then to Starbuck’s.

I was tired, but not exhausted, sore but not hurting and glad the ride was over.